Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yoda Always Wanted One of These

We spend a lot of time with Star-Wars action figures. The boys have never seen the movies (not yet) but their imaginations fill in the story just fine.

Go ahead, make my day.


Jacob made his first trip to the Dentist this past week, and Isaac lost his first tooth. Both handled their experience pretty well.

He's got another loose already. It's going to get expensive.

A Little of Isaac

In the interest of fair play, here are a few photos of Isaac. The boys are attuned to everything being perfectly fair between the two of them.

Isaac did this report for his World Geography class. He was assigned the U.S.A. and chose to learn (and teach) about corn. Did you know that corn is used in soap, glue and Coca-Cola?

Jacob's Fourth Birthday

Jacob turned four last week and we celebrated with a trip to Chucky Cheese's (Jacob pronounces it Chucky Jesus), a Spiderman cake with ice cream and a trip to the bowling alley. Grammy Embrey and Grandpa Norm came for the pizza, as did Aunt Sarah and Cousins Evan and Olivia.

Nancy put out a call for cards, as Jacob enjoys mail so much, and he opened all 23 he received and thoroughly enjoyed every one. Thanks to those who sent one, or two.


We pass the alley every Sunday and Jacob asks to go every Sunday. We'll see if he asks again tomorrow morning. He probably will.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

News from Isaac

His first loose tooth!

Walk in the Woods

As we did a year ago, we took a walk on one of the last warm days this fall. Holliday Park is one of our favorites.

Halloween 2008

Isaac and Jacob trick-or-treated at a number of our neighbors houses. We then headed over to Chapel Rock Church near the house where Superman and Jeff Gordon could really pile up some candy and play some games.

Star Wars

We have been playing a lot of Star Wars at our house. Legos, light-sabres, action figures and anything else they can think of.