Sunday, March 7, 2010

A New First

As the boys grow older, we have fewer and fewer, "firsts" and I could kick myself for not "blogging" back then. With two reflux babies, sleep was the number one priority back then. As we see them grow and change so quickly, I truly try to appreciate all the new "firsts" we have and cherish them in my heart. Today was one of those days. Dad took Jacob's training wheels off today because he has been asking about it since last fall, and we promised we would do it when it "started to warm up in the Spring." Today was the day, and we got to see him do it for the "first time", on his own, on the first try... in Jacob fashion...he never gives up.


eileen said...

Yeah you did it!!!! Great Job!!!
Grammy's big boy!!!!

Sarah said...

Wow...look at you go! Great riding Jake! Love you...Aunt Sissy