Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Photo Opportunity.. we took it!

Today was an absolutely beautiful fall day. We haven't had many this season, so I took the opportunity to drag our handsome boys to the park.. except it was about pictures before playtime. That went over like a lead balloon, but I got a few good shots that I hope to use as reprints.

Jacob will be 5 next month and as I look at these pictures, I see my baby has slipped away. It's bitter sweet.


Andy said...

Those top two are fantastic! Not that the others are shabby. But the top two are better than alot of professional photo's I've seen. Way to go!

Krosschell said...

Andy, Thank you. They weren't "posing" and I always think you get the best shots when they aren't.
I miss your sweet family. Love, Nancy

eileen said...

Great photo shoot momma!!! love all of you!!