Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Cub Scout!

In September, Isaac joined Cub Scouts. It has been a great time of learning, sharing and meeting new friends for him. All the boys in his group are his age and he really loved having someone "his age" to spend time with. His troop is huge, with several dens, he is in the Wolf den, and will earn his bobcat badge tonight. He has learned the cub scout pledge, cub scout handshake and many other things so far. It's a great time for he and daddy on Monday nights! But, they get home in time for Monday night football.. luckily! GO COLTS! Here's our handsome cub scout. He is currently selling popcorn for his troop, so let us know if you would like to place an order. We are so proud of both our boys and the fall is flying by.

1 comment:

eileen said...

What a handsome cub scout Isaac is. Thanks for sharing..LOL GRAMMY